3 Signs You Are Sick From Mold Exposure | Mold Remediation Services

3 Signs You Are Sick From Mold Exposure

Professional mold remediation services can rid your home of illness-causing mold. Unfortunately, many people don’t know it is in their homes and making them sick. It is essential that you can recognize the signs of illness caused by mold. Getting mold remediation services as soon as possible can save damage to your home and prevent illness.


If you have frequent unexplained headaches, it may be your house that is causing you to get ill. Headaches, migraines, and sinus headaches can often be traced back to a mold problem. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, there are about 10,000 species of mold; however, only about five species are found in homes. All it takes is one type of mold to trigger headaches.

A mild allergy to mold triggers headaches caused by mold. Sufferers can experience headaches when they wake up and throughout the day if they are in a house with mold. Sometimes the headaches can be debilitating.

Allergy Symptoms

Allergy symptoms that can’t be attributed to known causes can come from living with mold. Many people are allergic to mold, but you don’t have a diagnosed mold allergy to experience allergy symptoms. Some people are not allergic to mold, but mold is still a severe irritant that can trigger symptoms.

It may be a mold issue if you wake up every day with a stuffy nose, sinus drainage, or a feeling of fullness in your sinuses. Mold has spores that can freely travel through the air in your home.

Breathing Difficulties

If you have asthma or other breathing problems, mold in your home can be a tremendous risk to your health. It can trigger asthma attacks and other breathing difficulties. It is also a risk factor that anyone with breathing problems should not take.

Some people report feeling brain fog from mold exposure. Other people say fatigue and a combination of symptoms. In every case, once the mold has been remediated, the health problem disappears.

If you suspect that you have a mold problem, the best course of action is to contact professional mold remediation services. Don’t risk your home or your health by mold. Get the situation under control by calling today.
