Common Commercial Water Damage Claims | Water Restoration Company

Most Common Commercial Water Damage Claims

Commercial establishments are susceptible to sustaining significant damage caused by water hazards. If your commercial building sustains water damage, you should immediately check if your insurance covers it. In this article, we’ll highlight the typical water damage claims that owners of commercial establishments put forth. Use the information here to determine if you can recoup a payout from your insurer.

Burst Pipes

Among the most common claims that owners of commercial establishments file cite the issues caused by burst pipes. Pipes may burst due to appliances like sprinklers and washing machines malfunctioning. Someone digging around in your yard may also accidentally hit one of your pipes and cause it to explode.

Remember that you can only file a claim with your insurer if your burst pipe resulted from an accident. If your pipes leak because you neglected them, your insurance provider will likely deny your claim. You’ll have to show your insurer that you did your part to keep your plumbing in good condition but that the accident did too much damage. Your insurer will see things from your perspective, so you can hire a water restoration company and fix the damage caused by the burst pipes.

Roof Leaks

If your commercial establishment shows signs of water damage, check your roof for a possible explanation. Roof leaks account for an estimated 15% of commercial water damage claims. They are also the number one cause of ceiling damage.

Similar to how damaged pipes are treated, your insurer will only step in and provide coverage if the cause of your roof leak is an accident or an intentional act caused by another party. The cause of the leak could be someone damaging your roof while they were walking on it. It could also be an act of vandalism enacted by an angry neighbor. Use the payout from your insurer to hire a water restoration company and address the damage caused by the roof leak.


We must bring up flooding before discussing commercial water damage claims. Of course, flooding is treated differently by insurers. The typical commercial insurance plan likely won’t offer any payouts in this event.

You can only file a claim for water damage caused by flooding if you have flood insurance. Depending on your commercial establishment’s location, this type of insurance may be necessary. Your flood insurance policy payout can cover hiring a water restoration company.

Water damage to your commercial establishment can be challenging, but having the right insurance plans will make that problem more manageable. To learn more, contact Hammer Restoration today.
