How Proper Sprinkler Installation Can Protect Your Commercial Property From Water Damage

Water damage restoration services can be an unforeseen cost for business owners. Though most people only think about water damage primarily caused by natural disasters such as hurricanes or floods, it’s important to note that sprinkler malfunctions also account for 14% of commercial water damage loss. With this in mind, as a business owner, you should turn to the pros for proper sprinkler installation and appropriate maintenance and inspection services.

Faulty Installation Can Happen

Proper sprinkler installation is essential for protecting your property from water damage. Sprinklers are crucial for suppressing fires in commercial settings, but they can also unintentionally cause damage if not installed correctly. Faulty installation can cause a sprinkler to leak water, or in some cases, it may fail to activate in a fire. This can lead to significant water damage and extensive repair costs.

Regular Maintenance Is Key

Regular maintenance of your sprinkler system can also prevent malfunctions. This includes professional inspection of the control valves, water pressure, and detection devices. Regular sprinkler system testing will ensure it operates efficiently if a fire occurs. It’s imperative to keep your sprinkler system in good condition so water damage restoration services can be avoided.

Understanding Sprinkler Leaks and Mold Growth

In the event of a sprinkler malfunction, acting fast to prevent further damage to your property is essential. Seeking water damage restoration services early can help mitigate the damage’s extent and avoid mold growth that can harm your health. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, mold can grow within 24 and 48 hours of a water damage incident. This makes it imperative to enlist the services of professionals who can tackle the mold before it can fully form.

Proper sprinkler installation and regular maintenance can significantly reduce the likelihood of unexpected water damage and save you money on repairs. Remember to consider the importance of a well-maintained and well-installed sprinkler system when protecting your property! If you are considering installing a sprinkler system, contact a pro to complete the installation for you. For proper maintenance and inspections for water damage within your commercial property, turn to our experienced team at Hammer Restoration today.

We look forward to assisting you soon!
