What is Alternia and How Do I Avoid It

Different types of mold can wreak havoc on your family’s health. This article will focus on Alternaria mold and limiting its spread. Hiring a mold remediation service is just one part of preventing the spread of Alternaria mold, so continue with the rest of this article if you want to develop a sound strategy further.

What Is Alternaria Mold?

Before we discuss how to control the spread of Alternaria, let’s first take a few moments to get to know it better. Alternaria mold is a fungus that typically grows on Brassica crops such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale. According to the University of Minnesota, symptoms of Alternaria growth on plants include the emergence of brown spots surrounded by yellow halos.

This mold is most prevalent during the summer, and the wind can carry its spores indoors. 70% of people with mold allergies will react to Alternaria. Individuals exposed to Alternaria may develop a runny nose and start coughing. Some folks have also experienced asthma attacks after exposure to Alternaria mold.

Safe Gardening Practices

Preventing the spread of Alternaria mold is possible. You have to be more vigilant whenever you’re gardening and implement some safety measures you can implement inside your home.

Starting with gardening tips, you want to avoid getting seeds from unknown sources. You may be getting reasonable prices on those seeds because they’re already infected, so avoid purchasing them in the first place. You can also use seeds from your crops to ensure they are safe to plant. You should also adopt gardening practices that will allow the leaves of your crops to dry faster. Keep your plants far apart to promote better airflow. Irrigating in the morning is also recommended so the leaves have ample time to dry.

Keeping Your Home Protected

Moving to your home now, you want to keep your doors and windows closed if you think one of your plants is infected. Consider using a dehumidifier if someone in your household displays the symptoms of an Alternaria reaction. Keeping your home’s humidity level under 50% will prevent the Alternaria mold from thriving. Remember to hire a mold remediation service to remove traces of Alternaria from your home.

Alternaria mold can be a nuisance in your garden and your home. Effectively eliminate it by following the tips we provided. You can also contact Hammer Restoration if you’re looking for a mold remediation service that can expertly handle any issues your property is facing.
